Misc. Code Projects

Various small code projects.

Quotebacks Lite

A simplified and tailored version of Quotebacks (originated by Tom Critchlow and Toby Shorin), slimmed to focus only on turning article blockquotes into nicely formatted, interactive cards.

I created this for use on my personal blog (now retired in favor of my public notes). Initialy, I was using the original Quotebacks script for the blog until I realized that I could save resources by loading only the cosmetic resources. Doing this taught me how to work with the Shadow DOM.

Github ︎︎︎

Project Type
Hobby (self-taught)
3 days, Feb 2023
My Roles
Web developer
HTML, Tailwind CSS, Javascript

Rock Paper Scissors Web Game

A web interface for playing Rock Paper Scissors with a bot.

In virtualizating an otherwise very physical game, I wanted to recreate the paced experience and anticipation of calling and shaking “rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” before finding the result.

Github ︎︎︎
Live Preview ︎︎︎

Project Type
Student project (self-taught, The Odin Project’s Foundations course)
2 weeks, Jan 2023
My Roles
Web developer, Visual Designer
HTML, Tailwind CSS, Javascript

Web converter for Kindle Notebook HTMLs

While viewing a book's highlights, notes, and bookmarks in the Kindle app, you can tap the Share button to export everything as an HTML file. This is a simple web  tool that converts that HTML file into to a Markdown file perfect for Obsidian and similar note apps, or for markdown-based site generators.

I created this because I wanted to have all my highlights from eBooks in the same place I keep a copy of my web highlights (Obsidian), and for easy publication of highlights to my digital garden.

Github ︎︎︎
Live Preview ︎︎︎

Project Type
Hobby (self-taught)
1 week, Jan 2023
My Roles
Web developer, UI Designer
HTML, Tailwind CSS, Javascript

Nathan Cheng

Open to all forms of collaboration.
︎︎︎ Reach out at n@nathancheng.work

All content © Nathan Cheng unless noted otherwise.
The use of any image from this site is prohibited unless prior written permission from the artist is obtained.